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These are my photos from Collectormania 4 at thecenter:MK


These photos mean a lot to me so I'd prefer it if no one copied them for use on other sites, but if you do please give credit to me and leave my web address on the pictures. Thanx and I hope you enjoy them!

Honor Blackman (Goldfinger)


Neil and Adrian Rayment (Matrix Reloaded)


Toby Jones (the voice of Doby!)


Me and Toby Jones


Me and Neil and Adrian Rayment

These guys were so incredibly nice to me! Unfortunately I had ran out of money by the time I got to them, so couldn't afford anymore autrographs! Grr!

Me and Neil and Adrian Rayment (again!)


Me and Devon Murray

He wasn't even supposed to be there and i found myself stood right next to him whilst i was browsing! also a really nice guy!